Kingdom Magazine + Breaking Free of Strongholds Course

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What Is Included with the..

Kingdom Magazine+The Breaking Strongholds Module


Monthly access to our Magazine, Kingdom Weekly where we feature Individuals who are talking the talk and walking the walk as it relates to kingdom across the world.

You'll see and hear testimonials from regular individuals like you and me who have encountered the True Power of God as to Miracles being done in their lives.


You will be given tools in each issue to live empowered, to walk in your God given Authority, so that you will not go through another day in life feeling defeated or as a powerless Believer…


Private Group Live Class where we breakdown each Lesson of the Breaking FREE of Strongholds Course (This is done each week)


Private Group Live Prayer and Breaking Strongholds Session each week


Access to Interactive Group of likeminded believers in a confidential and safe environment


Access to past teachings and calls